Brandon Okafor

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We find no rest for our weary bones unless we cling to the word of grace.

Brandon Okafor has lived his life behind this quote since he was old enough to assist others. He is a proud product of the Southwest Area of Houston, Texas, and attended the Harmony Science Academy Charter School: Braeswood Branch from 6th to 12th grade. In 2007, he ventured to Austin, Texas to study at The University of Texas at Austin and acquired his Bachelor of Science in Hydrogeology in 2012. He continued his education at The University of Texas at Austion in geology and obtained his Master of Science in Geology with a focus in Hydrogeochemistry and Stable Isotopes in 2014.

Brandon currently works as a Project Manager and Senior Hydrogeologist with TRC Environmental. In addition, he currently serves as a board member on the Harmony Education Foundation. Through these experiences, he developed a deep passion for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive advocacy work in the Oil/Gas and Educational industries.

Brandon has a personal interest in the education system. His mother was a substitute elementary teacher in Houston, Texas for over 10 years. He experienced how teachers, such as his mother, sacrifice so much for the classroom and their students. Constantly spending their own money and surrendering extra time to enhance their students’ experiences. Brandon believes that teachers are grossly underpaid for the work they do in educating our children, and a pay raise will aid in the development of better teachers. Brandon also believes that the school system must invest in the development of new teaching styles to promote better interaction between teachers and students and to advance the way students obtain and retain understanding.