Quincera Greer

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My name is Quincera Greer, and I am an African American student who graduated from Yes Prep Gulfton high school in 2017. Yes Prep has impacted me by pushing me to become the woman I am today and giving me the opportunity to see and want something greater for my future. Due to this, I am working to achieve my goals. I plan on going back to school to become an Ultrasound Technician and achieve my ultimate goal, which is to work with babies and make a difference in mothers’ lives when I let them hear their baby’s first heartbeat.

I value ambition and hard work. Ambition is the eagerness to want something while you still have to work hard to get what you are ambitious about.

I am determined to make a difference for my family. I want to leave a legacy that will set my family up for generations. I am unique because I try to bring awareness and a different perspective to the world based on the experiences I have come across throughout my life.