Our Fellows

Fellow Biographies

Our fellows live, work, and study in a plethora of fields all across the country. Their unique stories are the strongest testament to the success of the public charter schools that helped shape their development and propelled them to the leadership positions they hold today in their communities. We invite you to learn more about each of our fellows by clicking on their pictures.

Cohort 9 – Spring 2025

Ariana Cuevas (she/her)

Dyanara Gutierrez (she/her)

Evelyn Amancio (she/her)

Mohsin Hussaini (he/him)

Shuniti Taddese (she/her)

Thomas Kukucka (he/him)

Cohort 8 – Spring 2024 | Harmony Public Schools Collaboration

Brandon Okafor (he/him)

Carlos Delgado (he/him)

Cherrene Framo (she/her)

Dixy Fuentes (she/her)

Elvis Chukwu (he/him)

Farhad Bostani (he/him)

Farhad Fatih (he/him)

Fernanda Sanchez (she/her)

Hasnain Rizvi (he/him)

Jorge Benitez (he/him)

Judith Perinjelil (she/her)

Kumail Hasan (he/him)

Laura Gonzalez (they/them)

Mahesh Bachu (he/him)

Nilufar Fatih (she/her)

Ojevwe Sarah Emedo (she/her)

Oluchukwu Ugorji (she/her)

Rosa Cerna (she/her)

Saveem Afraz (she/her)

Stephanie Fidelis (she/her)

Cohort 7 – Fall 2023

Alexander Sar (he/him)

Ali Besharat (he/him)

Ellis Jones (he/him)

Gelella Nebiyu (she/her)

Hadi Alizadeh (he/him)

Jane Ly (she/her)

Joshua Quiban (he/him)

Kevin Villalobos (he/him)

Mahdi Asadi (he/him)

Miranda Herrera (she/her)

Mujtaba Salahi (he/him)

Mursal Zeerak (she/her)

Ruth Woldemichael (she/her)

Shawez Rahimi (he/him)

Summer Motley (she/her)

Cohort 6 – Spring 2023

Alex Stitch (he/him)

Andrea Pedraza (she/her)

Angela Soriano (she/her)

Ashley Montes (she/her)

Britney Ogbunugafor (she/her)

Charthri Phinpraphrat (he/him)

Emeline Smith (she/her)

Gustavo Alvarez (he/him)

Matthew Telles (he/him)

Melissa English (she/her)

Moshtaha Babiker (she/her)

Paulina Venzor (she/her)

Quincera Greer (she/her)

R’mond Hunt (he/him)

Sherlean Roberts (she/her)

Sierra Greer (she/her)

Cohort 5 – Fall 2022

Aaliyha Fuller (she/her)

Anna Tran (she/her)

Elias Mobarez (he/him)

Fatima Rezaie (she/her)

Feven Sagai (she/her)

Henry Tang (he/him)

Jadyn Nguyen (he/him)

Jaleel Moon (he/him)

Joewid Sharza (he/him)

Kobe Penkhay (he/him)

Kyia Grays (she/her)

Makalla Cordova (she/her)

Mehdi Ahmadi (he/him)

Murtaza Salahi (he/him)

Mustafa Mobarez (he/him)

Pamela Cobo (she/her)

Phantom Chanthala (he/them)

Philip Szeremeta (he/him)

Yosan Mengesha (he/him)

Cohort 4 – Spring 2022

Aaishah Rahat (she/her)

Abril Lara (she/her)

Alan Espinoza (he/him)

Alexa Lara (she/her)

Alondra Hernandez (she/her)

Andrea Grimaldo (she/her)

Ariel Rivera (he/him)

Cianece Greer (she/her)

Délice Dembe (she/her)

Destiny Hurtado (she/her)

Grecia Treviño (she/her)

Hina Fatima (she/her)

Jeanie Fung (she/her)

Liz Cortes (they/them)

Luis Aguilar (he/him)

Luz Valenzuela (she/her)

Maria Godinez (she/her)

Maria Rojas (she/her)

Ruben Carbajal (he/him)

Sekou Diarra (he/him)

Tanya Kaufman (she/her)

Cohort 3 – Fall 2021

Ali Habibie (he/him)

Aliesana Sandoval (she/her)

Ari Gibson (they/them)

Cameron Casados (he/him)

Cesar Loya (he/him)

Deyla Matkovich (she/her)

Eduardo Navarro (he/him)

Flor Ochoa (she/her)

Isaac Rivera (he/him)

Jose Delgado (he/him)

Ke’iajah Grays (she/her)

Lidet Shiferaw (she/her)

Luis Salas (he/him)

Matthew Solomon (he/him)

Phoebe Amoako (she/her)

Sofia Hailu (she/her)

Sunbul Zeerak (she/her)

Yafet Mengesha (he/him)

Cohort 2 – Spring 2021

Aimee Valdez (she/her)

Juan Soltero (he/him)

Lauren Graves (she/her)

Marcus Howard (he/him)

Nicholas Kukucka (he/him)

Cohort 1 – Fall 2020

Alyssa Carter (she/her)

Derek Dash (he/him)

Jehovanna Flores (she/her)

Mayra Gutierrez (she/her)

Nuvia Mendoza (she/her)

Sandra Curry (she/her)

Tamara Curry (she/her)

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